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Sandata Exception Codes and Reason Codes


For states where Sandata acts as an aggregator, exception codes and reason codes are required on many visits.

Exception codes are required to acknowledge "exceptions," which are when critical business rules are broken. (Please note the provided list includes some actions which Ankota does not allow, so not all exceptions will be used.) Reason codes identify the reason which caused the exception.  Typically, you will only need to code the following visits:

Exception Codes and Uses

Exception codes are available per your state in Ankota. Common exception codes include visits without in-calls and visits without out-calls. NOTE: some states, such as Missouri, do not require exception codes, only Sandata reason codes.

Reason Codes and Uses

Reason codes are available per your state in Ankota. Common reason codes include caregiver error, mobile device issue, or telephony issue.

Essential Transportation / Essential Errand / Shopping

For transport care plan items, Ankota users have the option to turn on an Ankota warning, "Visit with Essential Transportation or Errands at Arrival or Departure not at Client Location." Please note this feature requires configuration.

This warning works as follows:

After the visit is flagged in Ankota, users will be able to quickly use the Approval Assistant to code the visit appropriately so that visits outside the visit location can be reason coded and exported.

Alternately, users can filter for the warning and then review the visits individually for coding and approval. 

Missouri DDD Program - Memo Required

In 2022, the Memo field for the state export requirement of visit data was expanded to allow for a longer memo. The Division of Developmental Disabilities requires a memo for all visits (affected visit types below).