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The Ankota Caregiver Mobile App - Admin Perspective


For the admin perspective of the mobile app, please see below for an overview of the Ankota Caregiver mobile app. For the caregiver's perspective on the mobile app, please see the Caregiver Resources HelpSite. If you are looking for troubleshooting information, click here.

The Ankota Caregiver mobile app is full of exceptional functions for caregivers. In addition to the features outlined below, the sections can be kept/removed as needed, and can also be named/re-named as desired (for each organization). The Settings option "Availability" can also be turned on/off for the organization's caregivers. Note: for more information on common Ankota configurations/system tailoring, including more control of clock-ins and clock-outs, see Configuration Options for Organizations.

If you are looking for information on how to have caregivers retroactively report on missed information, missed clock-ins/clock-outs, or missed visits, see Rework, Missed Visit, and On Hold Functionality | Ankota Help Center (

The critical things to understand about the mobile app are:

Sections in this article include:

Log-in Features

The log-in page allows caregivers to choose their language, log in, and if needed, re-set their password. 

To find log-in user and password, Admin needs to go to caregiver page, under Create Web User the username and password will be provided. Here admin can change password for caregivers. If username and password are not provided, select Create Web User.

Password Re-Set

To re-set their password, caregivers can click "forgot password." Note a follow-up question will be posed to ensure this request isn't made by accident. The password can then be re-set via email or phone number, depending on what is available in the caregiver's profile. For caregivers without either piece of information, the app will direct the caregiver to reach out to their organization.


For caregivers who prefer to work in a different language, they can select their preferred language at the top of the log-in page. 

If administrators would also like to have translated tasks and task choices, this can be set up for a fee.

Offline Functionality

The ability to work offline in the mobile app is a great feature for caregivers that may work in an area that has low bandwidth. The caregiver would simply log in to the app in an area with good signal/bandwidth. This can be at home, office or anywhere before the visit begins. Once the app has been logged into, all the visits for the day will load and the caregiver will be able to complete the visits as expected once at the service location. All details of the visit will be recorded as the caregiver enters them. Once they are in an area with appropriate signal/bandwidth, all recorded information will be sent to The main idea is to still capture the clock in/out time and care plan items (to reduce administrative work). If your caregiver continues to do offline visits often for a specific client, it may be in your best interest to try a different clock in method such as IVR. 

On the caregiver clock in and clock out page it will give the following notification for the caregiver to see.

Scheduled Visits

Scheduled visits are visits which are scheduled in advance by administrators, usually in association with a care plan of defined tasks and an authorization for a certain number of units. Tasks can be hidden if unneeded.

Visit details, including client information and directions to the client's service location, can be viewed by clicking on "View More Details" as well:


If documents have been chosen and assigned to visits, they will show up on during clock-in and can be clicked on and filled out. The button for documents will appear below the Tasks button.

Once opened, visit documents can be selected from the list of available documents.

Once opened, documents can be filled out and saved, saved as incomplete, or reset to new.

Once any documents that are desired are completed, the mobile app user can click Process Documents to deliver their documents. No documents will be filed unless Process Documents is clicked.

Completed, processed forms can be automatically placed in client or caregiver folders as well. (Destinations for forms can be requested during implementation.) 

Info Only Items & Notes

Administrators can request to have a configurable Info Only section. Here a drop down shows Info Only about the client. For example: client is allergic to peanuts. Please note, the client information is added by Admin under Info Only in the care plan section. 

 In addition, Notes (notes from the individual visit added in advance, typically by a scheduler) and Info Only care plan items (care plan items which are Info Only) can be seen on preview external to the visit. This function can be turned on by request.

For more information, see: Notes and Info Only Care Plan Items in the Mobile App2.mp4


Note that some features here are not defaulted, but can be turned on as desired. The first is a history of notes on each care plan item, so that caregivers can see notes from other caregivers by clicking the "History" link to open a field of past notes. The number of past days viewed can be set as desired by the organization. For example:

Clocking Out with Signatures

Your caregivers can collect signatures after reporting departure. You can sign with your finger. To make the signature screen bigger, click SHOW PAD. 

Note you can EXCLUDE visits from requiring signatures as well. Exclusions are normally added in implementation, but if you wish to add them later, contact Support for assistance.

Clock-in/out Management

The ability to manage clock-ins and clock-outs is a critical function. The following options are available in Ankota:

Special Features in Scheduled Visits

Other features include:

Unscheduled Visits/My Clients

For organizations that want caregivers to be able to clock in as needed without pre-scheduled visits, the My Clients feature is a great option. This is commonly used for CDS and nurse visits.

Please note this section does require set-up, as caregivers are not allowed access without the following:


The Notification Center is where caregivers will see notifications that have been sent by admins or via expiring HR requirement system reminders. They will be able to see the number of messages they have from the main menu. 

Visit History

The Visit History allows caregivers to review their visits based on date range. They can also add notes to a past visit from this page (same-day only). 

Please note the summary of time (minutes) next to the actual time will show payable minutes. In the case below, the visit was 11 minutes long and pay is rounded down to the nearest 15 minutes, so it was 0 minutes payable. If your system settings are different--pay to the minute, or round up, for example--those minutes would be displayed differently.



Caregivers can review their gross payroll (past and present, after payrolls are completed/approved) in this section. They can review their access by selecting a date range, then clicking the arrow to view a payroll summary. Note caregivers can only see hours from completed payrolls that are approved by admins. (They will not see hours populate as soon as they finish working.)



Caregivers can access mobile chat from the mobile app. Training for this feature is also provided in the Caregiver Resources HelpSite.

To open chat, click the Chat section. Messages will be indicated with a number after that chat, as in the example below.

By clicking on this section, caregivers can chat with an overarching admin chat. Once they click the admin profile, a chat window will open. Any admin can respond on the scheduler board via the chat icon.

When caregivers click an admin, the caregiver will see their chat history. In this window, they can:

Please note instant messages and documents can be reviewed later by the admin; they do not have to be online for the instant message to be logged and saved in the system.

Please note caregivers and admins will need a working microphone and/or camera if they wish to use the call or video call options (in Beta testing). The admin must also be online in the app or be on the Schedule Board with your chat window open in order to receive the chat call. 

Patient Documents

With the Assigned Caregivers feature, where caregivers can be given special permissions, caregivers can be allowed to see view-only (non-editable) versions of documents from their client's Documents tab. This is different from the blank forms available to caregivers on visits. (Please note that at this time, all documents are shared with the caregiver, so this is not an option for organizations with sensitive material that should not be seen by their assigned caregivers.)

For organizations where there are company handbooks, HR files, or other general materials that they want to make available to all caregivers, these documents can be assigned to a generic Office client, and then the caregivers can be assigned to the Office client. This special permission allows those caregivers to view those read-only company documents from the Mobile App's Documents section.


The caregiver calendar provides a quick, visual overview of the caregiver’s upcoming schedule. To view the calendar, simply click Calendar from the main menu. It is defaulted to month view of the current month, with dots representing each scheduled visit. Below the calendar, there is a list of every visit including the date, time, client, visit status, and visit type.


Click on a specific day in the calendar with a scheduled visit or visits to see a preview of the day.


To view the calendar in week view, click Week View at the bottom.


The Settings section provides caregivers management of their availability, as well as providing access choices.



This section will allow caregivers to confirm their account name.


The Mobile App Settings option “Availability” allows caregivers to define their regular schedule and to mark themselves out as needed. Note they cannot unassign visits (they can’t “force” the visit off their schedule by marking themselves out that day). This subsection can be turned on/off independent of other Settings. 


Change Password

Caregivers can change their password in this location. (They will change their password here at their first log-in.)


Caregivers can set up fingerprint access here.


Caregivers can check their version here.

To Set Additional Settings...

This is a reminder that additional settings are set by admins at

Upload Documents or Photos

This lets caregivers take a photo of documentation and it will send to the your worker profile for Admin to see. Such as: Medical Certification. After hitting take photo, the caregiver will have the option to Retake or Use Photo. After hitting Use Photo, the caregiver will select Keep. This will send the image to the worker's profile in Ankota.

Log out

For HIPAA security, caregivers are logged out after a few minutes of nonuse, but if they need to log out sooner, they can click here.

Upload Caregiver Required Documents

Thsi feature allows caregivers to upload their own required documents instead of the admin manually adding them into the system.

Step 1: Add Document to Mobile App Upload

If you'd like a step-by-step tutorial on how clinicians can upload documents on the mobile ap, please visit HERE.

*This step needs to be configured by an Ankota specialist*

Once clinicians upload required documents on the mobile app, administrators will verify by...

Step 2: Checking for new uploads in Actions Requests

Step 3: Confirming in Caregiver's Document Tab