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Investigating Unpaid Medicaid Claims


Even with the best process, errors can happen. If your Medicaid claim has gone unpaid, the following check list will help you rule out any issues on your end before you reach out to Support.


837 billers: Check for B13 ("already paid") Responses

When a visit type is scheduled more than one time per day, some payers will refuse to pay more than 1 visit. If you schedule a visit type more than once per day, you should request an Ankota adjustment to NOT allow billing until all scheduled visits of that visit type per day are closed and ready to bill to prevent this issue. This "duplicate visits for a visit type in one day" is the most common reason for getting a B13 ("we already paid you" warning) response even though the visit is not paid.

Check Authorizations

If you are billing any form of Medicaid, check to make sure you haven't billed without an authorization, and that your authorization information is up to date. If you requested to turn off authorization notifications, you may wish to turn them back on.

Check Visit Types & Payer Descriptors

Check to make sure your visit types and payer descriptors (for those that use payer descriptors) are correct. A more detailed walkthrough on identifying and correcting these issues is available here.

Check for Data Delivery

Make sure your data was actually uploaded to the clearinghouse, aggregator, or state portal. The following can affect your data delivery:

Check Responses

If you have errors returned by the clearinghouse, review them. These will likely you point you in the direction of what needs correcting, such as a wrong primary diagnosis code, a wrong DOB, wrong Medicaid ID, or misspelled name. Error codes are usually integrated directly into the Visit Approval Dashboard, and are also available in claim confirmation files from the state (such as EMOMED's claim confirmation file), and in 835 response files (see the Exceptions report for a list of the error codes after you have uploaded the 835). It's critical to include these errors when you reach out to Support.

Reaching out to Support

If you cannot find any issues on your end, it is time to reach out for Support help. If your claims were already accepted into a clearinghouse, you will normally want to speak to the clearinghouse first and ensure you have as much error information as possible before reaching out to Ankota Support. 

For the fastest response, you will want to provide Support key details, as in the following examples:

Example 1:

Hi, Support!

I have a claim rejection I need help with. Here is the information:

I went through your suggested checklist and can't find any errors. Can you help me dig into this further?


Jim Doe, ABC Billing Department

Example 2:

Hi, Support!

I have a claim rejection I need help with. Here is the information:

I got a specific response, but I'm not sure what it means. Help?


Maria Doe, DEC Billing Department